What is a Technical Advisory Executive?

February 2024

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is my role as a Technical Advisory Executive. Usually working with senior directors, owners and founders, I provide support and advice about the applicability of their Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) products and services within the market and act as a sounding board to help develop and deliver their strategies to develop applications for these, and to engage with the sector to deliver solutions for existing and emerging requirements or opportunities. This consultancy role is normally regularly undertaken each month to provide an ongoing resource to support your progress. I work with a diverse range of different types of clients, established companies who value a fresh pair of eyes to provide a clear and unbiased perspective; and new entrants to the sector, such as tech’ start-ups wishing to exploit new technologies but recognise a requirement for experience and strategic industry introductions; or existing companies looking to enter the market in a different territory, such as bringing their products to the UK.

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Why now is the perfect time.

We’ve reached the start of February, and this is the perfect time to progress that new opportunity. As we approach the new financial year, this is the period for establishing goals, undertaking financial planning and aligning your goods and services with market trends.

What does it entail?

Depending on the complexity or level of support required, I normally work with a client for 1 to 3 days per month. Although this is usually undertaken using a hybrid working approach, I feel that it is really important to have face-to-face meetings early on so that we can establish a close working, collaborative relationship.

Why you should consider working with me.

My goal is to give you the support to realise your technical strategies to develop your organisation’s portfolio of goods and services. Having worked across the sector, starting in manufacturing of traffic equipment, then coding systems and later managing installation and maintenance teams, before moving to consultancy to design and specify projects, also acting as a client for a range of different types of ITS infrastructure, and I have also worked across the globe; so I have quite a unique range of skillsets and experience!

Make it happen!

All companies face different challenges, but a lack of experience or an objective perspective will undoubtedly hinder their ability to progress, to find out more and to take the first step, Email or call +44 (0)7717 224 366.

Also, this month:

  • Look out for Season 3 of the @ITSNow YouTube channel which will be coming out around the end of February, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
  • Make sure you don’t miss the IHE - Introduction to ITS Course on the 27th & 28th February online, find out more click here.