What do you do for a job?

March 2024

I quite often get asked what I do for a job, and since leaving the corporate world, there doesn't seem to be a straightforward answer which a lot of people expect!

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So, what do I do?

These days I actually have three roles:

Technology Advisory Executive at the Alistair Gollop - ITS and Traffic Signal Consultancy

This is my full-time job carrying out a wide range of Intelligent Transport Systems and Traffic Signal related consultancy services for clients, including highway authorities, consultancies and commercial entities.

Founder at the ITSNow initiative

This part-time role which I started because of my personal commitment to promote best practice and professional development within the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) sector.

Executive Council Member and Chair of Professional Development for The Institute of Highway Engineers

This is a voluntary part-time role

I enjoy my work in ITS Consultancy, I find it really fulfilling, I am fortunate to see tangible results from a lot of the projects which I undertake, either as built infrastructure which I have designed, or as new products which I have assisted companies to develop.

Working in the ITS sector is a very co-operative environment, it is quite different from many other industries. I was very grateful in my early years for help and support from a range of practitioners, so well over a decade ago I decided to 'give back' to the sector by setting up the ITS Now initiative. I did this to promote best practice and professional development originating resources ranging from videos, reference books and guidance documents through to informative references and educational content. The reach and scope of this initiative has been widened by the increasing involvement of a range of key industry organisations from across the sector, including being endorsed as a Professional Development Partner by The Institute of Highway Engineers and Intelligent Transport Systems UK, and the recent appointment as an Official Media Partner for the 2024 ITS World Congress in Dubai, find out more here.

I have been a Fellow of The Institute of Highway Engineers for many years, and decided a couple of years ago that it was a suitable time in my career to support the great work that the Institute does by joining their national council. I am now the Chair of Professional Development, which encompasses being responsible for the wide range of courses which the IHE provides either directly or through third-party training providers under their 'Highways Academy' banner. This really aligns well with my personal interest in the provision of learning resources for practitioners in the sector, so I was really honoured to be given this opportunity to take this forward.

Why use a Freelancer?

I can provide you with capabilities and experience and can infill periods of excess demand on your staff, without you having to make any commitments. I work flexibly, so can respond to your requirements. I have worked for many years across complex project delivery teams, usually both geographically and organisationally spread, so can work effectively with teams of all sorts.

Why now?

We are now in March, and this is the perfect time to progress that new opportunity. As we approach the new financial year, this is the period for establishing goals, undertaking financial planning and aligning your goods and services with market trends.

Why you should consider working with me?

My goal is to support you to deliver your projects, regardless of size or complexity: from a single signalised pedestrian crossing, to a complex ITS deployment or a Long-Term Strategy document. Having worked across the sector, starting in manufacturing of traffic equipment, then coding systems and later managing installation and maintenance teams, before moving to consultancy to design and specify projects, also acting as a client for a range of different types of ITS infrastructure, and I have also worked across the globe; so, I have quite a unique range of skillsets and experience!

Your additional ITS resource!

All companies face different challenges, but a deficiency of resources or a lack of personnel with an independent and objective perspective, can hinder their ability to deliver projects in a timely and efficient manner. As a freelance consultant, I can provide you with a senior resource to supplement your design or advisory staff or to undertake independent design or document checks for your ITS and Traffic Signal projects. To find out more and to take the first step, Email or call +44 (0)7717 224 366.

Also, this month:

  • Season 3 Episode 1 on the @ITSNow YouTube channel is now online, see it here. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
  • Make sure you don't miss me speaking at the ICE / IET joint 'The Future of our Roads' event on the 20th March in Birmingham, find out more here.