As such, ITS Now originates resources ranging from videos, reference books and guidance documents through to informative references and educational content.
Alistair Gollop - ITS Technologist, Author and Speaker - As a recognised Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) industry figure with over 30 years in-depth experience, resulting in an extensive specialist knowledge of traffic systems, which is used to devise and deliver practical and economic solutions with innovative designs to improve capability, safety and efficiency. He is the author of the well-respected books "Traffic Control: A traffic systems companion to the DfT Traffic Sign Manual - Chapter 6", "Traffic Signals: An introduction to signalised junctions and crossing facilities in the UK" and the "IHE Passive Safety Electrical Guide". He has also produced numerous articles both for publications and as papers written/presented at conferences.
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The @ITSNow YouTube Channel is a Duży Pies Production on behalf of ITS Now.